Evaluation of Social Studies Teacher Candidates' Professional Competencies During the Distance Education Ayşegül Kırtel,





The general competencies of the teaching profession have reorganized and defined in collaboration with the Ministry of National Education, and faculty-school interaction has expanded as a result of these updates. A core program has been formed in undergraduate programs that includes 30-35 percent of teaching professions courses, 15-20% of general culture courses and 45-50% of field education courses. Face-to-face education has been used to implement these competencies. However, due to the worldwide covit19 epidemic, the compulsory distant education procedure has begun. The difficulty of supplying teacher competences arose as a result of this situation. The goal of this research is to see how the distant education, which began with the Covit19 epidemic, has affected the professional competences of social studies teacher candidates who continue their education life.

The participants of the research consisted of 40 teacher candidates. These pre-service teachers are in their final year of social studies education in the education faculties of four (four) different state universities throughout Turkey. To the selection of the participants was used the maximum diversity sampling strategy in the purposive sampling type. While forming the sample group, it was taken into account that the participants maintained their education both during the distant education and afterward. The research was conducted using an interview, which is a qualitative research approach. The research's data was gathered using a semi-structured opinion form. Questions involving subject matter knowledge, teaching legislation knowledge, lesson plan preparation, learning environment preparation, measurement and evaluation activities, student approach skills, developmental knowledge, and interaction with stakeholders were asked within the framework of teacher competences. As a result of the findings obtained from the content analysis, it was revealed that 60% of the participants found themselves sufficient, 29% found themselves insufficient, and 11% were undecided.


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How to Cite

Kırtel, A., & COŞKUN KESKİN, S. (2024). Evaluation of Social Studies Teacher Candidates’ Professional Competencies During the Distance Education Ayşegül Kırtel,. International Journal of Values in Education and Society, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10092381


