Environmental Applications In Early Childhood Period: I Am Founding My Ministry
ministry of environment, early childhooh, water pollutionAbstract
Water has a very important place for nature to renew itself and for living things to continue their lives. Today, the increase in industrial wastes with the increasing population and industrialization has created water pollution. Protecting nature, respecting the creatures we live with and creating environmental awareness are the basic building blocks of environmental awareness. It has become important to raise environmentally sensitive individuals in order to ensure that future generations live in a healthier world. Based on this importance; after raising awareness about water pollution in early childhood, it focused on what children can do to protect water. It is aimed to protect and not pollute our waters and to raise awareness of being sensitive to the environment. Study; was conducted using the basic qualitative research method, one of the qualitative research methods. The study group consists of 15 children aged 5 years. Study; was carried out in 5 (five) stages. In the first stage of the study, the images of water pollution were examined and chatted with the children. Afterwards, a video about water pollution was watched. In the third stage, the experiment on water pollution was carried out, and in the fourth stage, a drama activity was carried out. Finally, the children were asked to establish a ministry for the environment and to name it. They were asked about the duties of the ministry they established in order to prevent water pollution and they were asked to draw it with pictures. Within the framework of the implementation processes of the events, they were recorded with a camera and then transcribed. These images, which were transcribed, were subjected to content and descriptive analysis. As a result of the research, children; ıt has been seen that he evaluated water pollution and its causes within the scope of environmental pollution, and in this context, he created and named the Ministry of Environment. As a result; ıt was seen that they gained positive awareness about water pollution based on the answers received from the children and the pictures they made.
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