Chaotic Period in Turkish Education History: Important Developments Between 1960-1980




Turkish education history, 1960-1980 period, curricula, national education councils


When we look at the history of Turkish education, it is seen that from 1923 to the end of the 1950s, the emphasis was on quantity; Since the 1960s, it is seen that studies have been carried out to increase quality as well as quantity. For this reason, the years between 1960 and 1980 are important in terms of our education history. This period was called “chaotic” because it was a very complicated and turbulent period in the political sense. In this study, important developments in terms of our education history between the years 1960-1980 are introduced. In the study, these years are divided into two periods, the first period covers the years 1960-1970 and the second period covers the period between 1970-1980. At the end of the study, it was determined that despite the political and economic problems between the years 1960-1980, important innovations were made in the field of education and their effects continue even today.


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How to Cite

keskin, yusuf. (2023). Chaotic Period in Turkish Education History: Important Developments Between 1960-1980. International Journal of Values in Education and Society, 1(1), 85–102.


