A Qualıtatıve Research About Famıly Awareness On The Rıghts Of Specıal Educatıonal Indıvıduals
Special Education, Children's RightsAbstract
Children are the future of our society. In the changing world conditions, children are given great importance compared to the past. Families make a lot of effort for their children to have a good future. Every child has certain rights from birth. The most important of these rights are rights such as education, life, shelter and health. All over the world, the rights that children have are explained and these rights are provided to children all over the world. There are some special children who need child care. There have been many studies on the care of children with special needs all over the World especially in our country.There are many rights granted to individuals with special needs. In our country, with the Decree Law No. 575, it was decided that individuals with special needs should receive education with their peers in special education classes. This right provides individuals with equal opportunity to learn without discrimination. These children with special needs have the opportunity for lifelong learning, starting from pre-school education.Recognizing and protecting these rights granted to children is of great importance for all children. The biggest duty in this regard families. In this study, children with special needs are categorized and it is aimed to investigate to what extent their families are aware of the ballaron of children with special needs. One of the qualitative research designs which was named case study was used in this study. Interviews were conducted with de families who lived in Sakarya from 12 different school of 65 the care of children with special needs. As a result of the research, it was conclued that families were not awere of some rights. Families only get information from Counseling and research center. Sources of information are inadequate. It can be thought that increasing family trainings make individuals more concious.With this study, it is aimed to raise the awareness of families, schools, teachers, special education institutions, rehabilitation centers and academicians about the care of children with special needs.
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