Çocuk Dergilerinin Sosyal Bilgiler Ekonomi Konularının Öğretiminde Kullanılması
The Use of Children’s Magazines in Teaching Economics Subjects within the Social Studies Curriculum
The objective of this study is to gain perspectives on social studies teachers regarding the effectiveness of children’s magazines in teaching economics subjects, which are integral to the social studies curriculum and significant for the future adult lives of students. To achieve this objective, all issues of the TRT Çocuk and Bilim Çocuk magazines from 2011 to 2015 were examined and coded alongside another specialist in social studies education to minimize potential errors. Using document analysis techniques, the study findings underwent additional examinations using a content analysis method. The results indicate that children’s magazines can effectively convey economic concepts, especially the achievements pertaining to “Production, Distribution and Consumption.” The findings obtained in this study, in which the document analysis technique was used, were analyzed using a content analysis method.
Based on these results, it is evident that children’s magazines can effectively contribute to learning economic concepts, particularly in the “Production, Distribution, and Consumption” domains. In addition, producing more functional activities based on children’s magazines and implementing them in lessons may attract students’ attention and increase their knowledge retention. Finally, when both magazines are analyzed in terms of their contribution to the teaching of economics topics, it is revealed that the TRT Çocuk magazine is particularly remarkable.
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